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小紅莓The Cranberries - Promises.GTP

本帖最後由 81582 於 2010-10-2 13:24 編輯

The Cranberries - Promises.GTP

You'd better believe I'm coming
You'd better believe what I say
You'd better hold on to your promises
Because you bet you'll get what you deserve.

......She's going to leave him over
She's going take her love away
So much for your eternal vows, well
It does not matter anyway.

Why can't you stay
Here a while
Stay here awhile
Stay with me.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh
All the promises we made
Promises we made
All the meaningless and empty words I broke
Broke broooke

Oh oh oh oh oh
All the promises we broke
Promises we broke
All the meaningless and empty words I spoke
Spoke spooooke

What of all the things that you taught me
What of all the things that you'd say
What of all your prophetic preaching
You're just throwing it all away

Maybe we should burn the house down
Have ourselves another fight
Leave the cobwebs in the closet
'Cause tearing them out is just not right

Why can't you stay
Here awhile
Stay here awhile
Stay with me

Oh oh oh oh oh
All the promises we made
Promises we made
All the meaningless and empty words I prayed
Prayed praaaayed

Oh oh oh oh oh
All the promises we broke
Promises we broke
All the meaningless and empty words I spoke
Spoke Spooooke

Oh oh oh oh oh
All the promises we made
Promises we made
All the meaningless and empty words I prayed
Prayed praaaayed

Oh oh oh oh oh
All the promises we broke
Promises we broke
All the meaningless and empty words I spoke
Spoke Spooooke

Oh hey oh hey oh hey ...詳全文

promises.rar (2.98 KB)

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