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標題: While She Sleeps - This Is the Six Cover [打印本頁]

作者: matel2    時間: 2016-1-8 18:44     標題: While She Sleeps - This Is the Six Cover

大家好~這次cover來自英國的屌團While She Sleeps 的歌
2 {; w4 N8 |, s' s& q& z
$ [, b# F- h' Z8 l# c8 k之前有來過台灣~現場很爽!! 希望大家會喜歡~# O: F2 c7 m0 b& l) K- h8 L
' F4 ?0 c/ F. m/ d
this is the six!!! \m/
' a8 @) `; B6 {" m, o" |5 f/ I# m9 C$ L* S3 U7 y

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